All elements from boron through the periodic table can be detected with sensitivities of approximately a few tenths of one percent.

What is Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS)?
EDS is an attachment on the SEM and FE-SEM that can detect the energy of the x-rays coming from
the surface of the sample, when energized with an electron beam. The energy of the X-rays are specific
for each element in the periodic table. Both the SEM and FE-SEM systems at Micron Inc. utilize EDS
What Information can Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) provide?
Composition in the form of semi-quantitative percentages of the elements detected can be determined for an analysis area of approximately a few cubic microns. Elemental lines scans and elemental distribution images can be acquired utilizing this technique.
What Materials can be analyzed using Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS)?
Any solid materials such as metals, polymers, ceramics, pharmaceuticals, powders, corrosion products and much more.

The JEOL 6480 SEM is equipped with a Bruker 6/60 Flash SDD detector (Boron to Uranium).

The JEOL IT700HR/LA FE-SEM is equipped with a JEOL SDD detector (Beryllium toUranium).